Financial Advisory

We use our structuring expertise for complex corporate financing including equity/debt structuring and strategic corporate acquisitions. We develop bespoke, needs-driven financing solutions comprising equity loans, public funding schemes and capital market products. We offer professional solutions for syndication, syndicate financing and club deals.

Credit solutions

Our credit solutions create business freedom and maneuverability. We safeguard our clients’ liquidity in the long term and cover the full range of possible investments. Our extensive range of credit solutions can be individually tailored to the requirements of our customers’ investment programs.

Financial Markets

In recent years, our customers have built up larger equity and liquidity buffers. Loan financing is increasingly being supplemented by other financing components; more and more companies are choosing direct access to the capital market. This trend will continue. We advise clients on a variety of debt products such as bonds and promissory notes, private placements and leveraged debt finance.

A balanced and targeted financing mix enables medium-sized companies to respond flexibly to growth potential and rapidly altering economic conditions. With tailor-made financial solutions involving outside capital, we aim to serve the needs of our clients in an optimum fashion. To achieve this, we make particular use of bond and promissory note issues and private placements.  

We are devoted to providing capital market advice to listed and unlisted companies that want to achieve their growth targets by way of equity-enhancing financing. In addition, we prepare capital market-oriented exit strategies for private equity companies.


Rohstoffpreise: Bewegung nur bei Öl und Gas

[Rohstoffpreis-Information – Ausgabe 02/2025] Die Weltrohstoffpreise stiegen im Januar 2025 auf Dollarbasis um 3,7 % gegenüber dem Vormonat, während sie in Inlandswährung aufgrund einer Abwertung des Euro zum US-Dollar um 5,0 % anstiegen.  […]


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[IKB Barometer vom 31. Januar 2025] Unsere monatliche Einschätzung und Prognose zur Konjunktur sowie zu den Kapitalmärkten mit interessanten Sonderbeiträgen des Monats. […]

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  • IKB Deutsche Industriebank AG
    Wilhelm-Bötzkes-Str. 1
    40474 Düsseldorf


  • IKB Deutsche Industriebank AG
    Wilhelm-Bötzkes-Str. 1
    40474 Düsseldorf


  • IKB Deutsche Industriebank AG
    Wilhelm-Bötzkes-Str. 1
    40474 Düsseldorf